Saturday, February 22, 2014

Opera Web Browser

Written by Bogdan Popa

The latest Opera release brings forth a completely different look for the popular web browser, which definitely gives users a reason to tinker with its new features.

Based on Chromium and Blink (the rendering engine used by Chromium), Opera has come up with bigger guns to enter the race for the most popular web browser, as the current leading role is played between Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

At the first run of the program, we can find out the new and exciting features packed by Opera, as the address and search bar are now merged to allow multiple predictive results, while web pages can be added to the Speed Dial or Stash.

The first option enables users to seamlessly organize fast access to websites through app-like buttons, as we already know. However, Speed Dial has received some upgrades of its own, as it now lets you use a search function when dealing with numerous entries, as well as group items together.

Stash makes a note of the location, metadata and screenshot of a page, which is particularly useful when you want to pick up where you left off. This feature comprises a search function as well, and stores data into a collapsable list entry in the Start page of Opera.

Last but not least, you can check out the most popular stories at the moment from the category of your choice, via the Discover section, and filter them by location and language.

Another important aspect worth mentioning is that, although this edition can be downloaded separately from the previous one, users have the possibility of migrating their old profiles, in order to preserve data. From the technical standpoint, the web browser borrows the server-side compression technology used by Opera Mobile, also known as Off-Road mode. Mouse gestures are supported as well.

All in all, Opera has definitely stepped up its game with the latest release. It is reasonable when it comes to the CPU and RAM usage, remains stable throughout the navigation process, and features a more intuitive environment than ever, although it looks a little too much like Chrome.

The main window of Opera Web Browser is the place where you can explore the Start Dial items

Opera Web Browser allows you to stash your currently open webpages and you can add as many as you want

The Discover feature of Opera Web Browser comes in handy when you want to read news in a certain language

Download Here

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