Monday, March 3, 2014


  Capture is a quick-and-easy screen capture utility for Windows (and NT), which allows you to capture the entire screen, at any color depth and resolution, and save it into a Bitmap file for editing. If you are interested in only capturing one window, you can select to capture the active application window only, to save time editing screenshots! Capture runs on the Windows Tray (the lower right corner), and takes a screen capture every time you left click on the picture of a camera (please cut me some slack on the icon, I'm a musician, not an artist, and it was late), and a bitmap will be saved into the directory Capture is running from. You can take as many captures as you want, limited only by your imagination, and harddrive space. To exit Capture, just right click on it, and select 'Exit'; it's just that simple.
Capture works on all versions of Windows, from Window 95 to Windows 7 and everything inbetween (including XP, Vista, Win2k, etc). If you have a general question related to any of the programs on the site, or would like some additional info related to the downloads in general, then check out the downloads FAQ.

Configuration dialog

Download Here

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