Monday, March 3, 2014

Script Defender

  I'm sure that by now everyone has heard about email viruses; most people probably have either experienced one themselves or know someone who has. The latest batch of viruses have become more adept than ever at getting people to execute them unintentionally - that's where AnalogX Script Defender comes in!
    AnalogX Script Defender will intercept any request to execute the most common scripting types used in virus attacks, such as Visual Basic Scripting (.VBS), Java Script (.JS), etc., and can even be configured to intercept new script extensions as needed! It's very simple to use and helps to ensure that you do not inadvertently run a script no matter what email program you use, or even if you get it via another method.
Script Defender works on all versions of Windows, from Window 95 to Windows 7 and everything inbetween (including XP, Vista, Win2k, etc). If you have a general question related to any of the programs on the site, or would like some additional info related to the downloads in general, then check out the downloads FAQ.

Alert dialog

Configuration dialog

Download Here

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